I THINK that all modes of transport around Bolton need to be better examined.

For example, I take the 571/572 bus route home from work each night, and it is really a nightmare. Every night I have to wait at least 15-20 minutes for a bus. The last frequent bus on the 571/572 route is at 17.32. Most people haven't even left their offices by then, let alone able to arrive in Bolton from Manchester. Each night I count at least 10 empty buses ( "not in service") drive by, and at least 12 people waiting for buses at my stop.

I do not understand why all the frequent buses occur during the daytime when most people are at work. The frequent bus schedule stops just before the evening rush hour begins and does not start until after the morning rush hour is over.

There are eight more buses per hour during off-peak travel time than peak time. Why am I paying a premium to travel during peak hours and yet given less opportunity to do so?

Why does someone who pays less have so many more buses at their disposal? All this does is penalise the people that work and encourage them to drive. How does the Government ever expect to ratify a congestion charge if their public transport is not adequate?

Deena DeNaro-Bickerstaffe Bolton