HAVING been a pavier for some 30 years, I can appreciate the cosmetically beautiful paved areas of Churchgate, but let's not get carried away, we are living in the 21st century.

Multidrop vehicles delivering to our office and retail businesses within our town centre are not small vans, as illustrated in your article previously.

Do members of the planning department walk about with blinkers on? It is quite obvious there are inadequate parking facilities and access roadside enough for such vehicles, and, without sufficient protection ie enough bollards, it is inevitable that drivers will park on the paved walkways.

Come on, public representatives, put away the computers, use a bit of old fashioned common sense and stop throwing away hard-to-come-by public money.

Let's not have any more white elephants which cost millions. The Gateway to Bolton springs to mind as an instant example.

Mr G Lockton Harwood Vale Court Harwood