I AM writing to object to the implementation and interpretation of the new legislation regarding secondary schools admission criteria and how it will be implemented with regard to the admission criteria for Turton High School.

The history, and indeed the name of the school, points to the fact that it was built for the children of Turton and has a long and proud history of being the secondary school for the local children of Turton. Yet, under your implementation, the very group that the school was supposed to service will be denied access to it.

Surely the children in the former Turton UDC should not be denied the opportunity to attend the nearest secondary school to them? If they are not to attend Turton High School, then where will they be able to attend?

If the children of Edgworth have to travel to other secondary schools, they will, ludicrously, more than likely have to travel passed Turton High School to do so, they are not bypassing other secondary schools to go there. The distance to Turton from Edgworth School is just over two miles; the next nearest, Sharples, is nearly twice as far, with Smithills being nearly three times the distance.

The proposals will have a devastating effect on rural communities in terms of village life and community, businesses and property prices. Children will be denied access to other areas of school life such as sporting activities, music and the arts, as well as extended academic activities such as homework clubs, as well as the potentially harmful effects on their education of extended days because of longer journeys both to and from school.

A J Paton Turton