AS a resident of Junction Road, Deane, I am glad to say the planning application for three houses in the rear garden of Marsh Villa was finally refused at the recent planning committee.

It was obvious to the councillors that an over-development in the rear garden would be the case, and would be out of character with the surrounding area, with the unacceptable loss of mature trees.

It was also pleasing to hear Cllr Walsh reprimand the planning department for making a decision to over-ride the council's Woodland Manager's recommendation for a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on the 16 mature trees within the site. Ultimately the decision was to be made by the committee members after a site visit had taken place.

The planning department had been given plenty of notice and time to activate an emergency TPO and instruct the developer accordingly, but their officer was of the opinion that these trees provided no positive contribution to the area and therefore were unworthy of such an order.

As a result, the week before the planned site visit, all the trees along the side boundary (16 in total) were felled by the developer.

I now question the motives of the Bolton Planning officer(s) to allow such vandalism to be carried out, prior to a formal decision being made by the committee.

These officers were aware of all the facts, and especially the concerns of the neighbouring residents.

As requested at the meeting, by the councillors, I now hope an action plan will be invoked very soon to ensure adequate procedures and, where necessary, emergency protection to trees during all future planning applications are carried out.

In light of the above events during this planning application, these trees have now been unnecessarily lost for ever!

Ian Tickle Junction Road Deane