MAY I answer John Wood’s letter, December 17, “Dictator God Loves Us.”

I wrote “benevolent dictator.” Benevolent means loving, kind, but on his terms, not man’s.

John Wood quotes Timothy. I think he takes the word “will” out of context by saying “who (will) have all men”, it reads “whose (will) is that all sorts of men.”

It’s not what God is going to do, it’s what God wants man to accept, his wishes, his authority, his (Will) that John Wood uses.

He should read the Lord’s Prayer, which says “They or your (Will) be done on earth.”

Mr Wood says God is going to save humanity. He should get more knowledge because saving “all humanity” won’t happen.

As far as God sending his son Jesus into the world, if he came back tomorrow, there are those who would try to destroy him, just like the first time that he came.

Grenville Moore Melbourne Road Bolton