THE government has no commonsense whatsoever.

I think it is absolutely wrong of them to force poor and disabled people to go out to work or lose their benefits and pay a bedroom tax. Some will have to leave their home for a smaller home. It is unbelievable.

How can the government expect poor and disabled people go out to work when there have been so many stores, shops and companies closed down like Comet, Jessop, HMV, Blockbusters and especially Remploy which made 170,000 disabled people redundant in UK, including at the Bolton factory in Manchester Road. Where can the disabled people find work and what can they do? Will the Jobcentre provide jobs for all the disabled people?

It is so wrong of the government to treat the disabled people like this.

What sort of life will these disabled people going to have? I pity them. I urge all disabled people to fight the government.

Ruthy Fletcher Self-employed consultancy and freelance deaf awareness tutor Bolton