THE Liberal Democrats tell us that they are the moderating factor in the Coalition.

But how many members of that party, as well as councillors, can be really comfortable with what is happening to our country under their watch?

I would like to turn this theory around and say that the LibDems are actually legitimising the Tories in cutting services further and allowing the most brutal attack the NHS has ever seen.

Without them this level of cuts would not be possible.

Maybe it could also be said that by being a member of this party individuals are also culpable for the cuts and future privatisation of the NHS.

As we have seen in the last few weeks, Health Minister Jeremy Hunt is trying to push through legislation that would force GPs to open nearly all NHS services to private companies, yet there is no outcry from the LibDems, a party that was once seen as being to the left of New Labour.

May I suggest that this party has lost all its credibility as it continues to allow these things to happen without a murmur and how it consigned its progressive policies to the dustbin in its quest for power.

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