THE Bolton News recently highlighted the case of a woman who pleaded guilty to stealing money from an elderly man over a two- year period, leaving him with no food and a pile of unpaid bills.

This case has highlighted the appalling way that vulnerable people can sometimes be treated in our society.

It is thanks to the hard work of social services, police and other agencies that cases like this can be brought to justice.

Whilst most people have some insight into more visible services, such as refuse collection or highways, most people generally have limited insight into the hard work of social workers and other professionals who try to tackle complex issues such as this on a daily basis.

Consequently, social workers don’t always get the credit that they deserve.

Quite rightly, Bolton Council has stated it will try to protect services for vulnerable adults and children. Despite this, there is a real danger that ongoing cuts to valuable frontline services in our communities could effectively mean less support to vulnerable people who need it most.

It is the responsibility of each and every one of us in society to look out for those who are more vulnerable than ourselves.

However, this can only be effective if we have good quality public services that we can all rely on.

Joan Pritchard Jones Deane