Fans of dramatic thrillers are in for a treat later this month as Bolton Little Theatre stage Ira Levin’s wonderfully macabre Veronica’s Room.

“This is my first time directing with BLT,” said Peter Haslam, “but I’ve done a fair bit across the region over my 40 odd years in amateur theatre – and I have to say this is probably the most chilling production I’ve ever been involved in – but in a good way!”

It would be remiss to reveal too much about the plot said Peter.

He added: “I definitely want to keep the audience guessing.”

The story starts with students ‘Susan’ and ‘Larry’, played by Mindi Leonard-Lockett and Jordan Rising, who find themselves as guests enticed to the Brabissant mansion, near Boston, by its dissolute caretakers ­— the lonely, and slightly odd, MacKeys, played by Christine Morton and Daniel Ryan.

“I’ve actually played my role before,” says Christine, “but as soon as I heard it was being produced again, I just had to have another go at it - it was so gripping last time.”

This is Christine’s debut with Bolton Little Theatre, although regular theatre-goers will recognise her from numerous productions across the region and Peter was delighted to add her huge experience to the cast.

Daniel Ryan plays opposite Christine as ‘Mr MacKey’ – although playwright Ira Levin mysteriously lists them in the script as simply ‘Man’ and ‘Woman’.

“I don’t think Peter will be disappointed in trying to keep the audience guessing,” he says, “Ira Levin has a habit of doing that – I was pretty amazed myself when I first read the ending.”

The plot centres around Susan's strong resemblance to the long-dead Veronica Brabissant ­— daughter of the family for whom they work­— the MacKeys gradually persuade her to impersonate Veronica just to give some solace to the only living relative of the girl ­— her now elderly sister who believes Veronica is still alive.

“It’s certainly the most revealing part I’ve ever played,” says Mindi, “I won’t say any more than that, but it’s quite a different way to make my debut at BLT!” Jordan Rising completes the four-handed cast, having returned recently from a run in a London theatre.

He said: “I performed in a production of The Secret Garden in Chiswick, which was a great family show to be involved with – this certainly has a very different atmosphere about it."

Peter said: “I must say, I’m very pleased to have such a great cast to bring this electric story to life.

"All four have brought something quite unique to their roles, and even though both Christine and Mindi are BLT debutantes, they are among the most experienced actresses in the region.”

And that experience is called on in full as the convoluted plot takes the audience through twist after twist.

Unsurprisingly, not everything is as it seems as the final mystery is revealed.

So, what exactly does lie behind the door to Veronica’s room?

You’ll have to book a ticket to find out! ‘Veronica’s Room’ runs from Saturday, May 18th to Saturday, May 25th at 7:30 pm at Bolton Little Theatre, Hanover Street, Bolton BL1 4TG. For tickets visit or ring 01204 524469.