THIS is how a piece of disused green belt land blighted by fly tippers could be transformed into a permanent site for the travelling community.

The landowners say the canalside five-acre site off Hall Lane, Little Lever, is only used by drug-users and fly tippers — leaving them with regular clean-up costs.

So they are keen to bring the site into use.

The plans show 15 permanent gypsy and travellers’ sites along with a play area, a community hall and boat house/cafe/bar.

There would also be a wharf plaza and canalside public improvements, together with landscaped public parklands.

However, landowners Mr and Mrs John Patrick Donelon say the site could also be used to build affordable houses.

Alternative plans feature two, three and four bed homes with gardens and parking spaces, along with the landscaped public parkland and canalside improvements.

No planning application has yet been submitted, but Mr Donelon said: “We have striven since 1996 to get the council to see the sense of suitable ways of bringing this self-contained, oddball piece of technically green belt — but in reality unsightly scrubland — into socially beneficial use, instead of anti-social abuse.

“Our housing proposal was for an affordable only scheme to meet the shortage in Little Lever, but the council told us they had other sites.

“Thus the gypsy/traveller option — where Bolton’s need and demand is great as well — was left to pursue by a process of elimination, so pursue it we will.”

But ward councillor Sean Hornby said: “Housing cannot be built on green belt land and we are being told if that cannot happen, a travellers’ site will be developed instead. We will not be held to ransom in this way.

“Long term plans are to restore the canal and the land should be restored to its former natural beauty, which is what the people of Little Lever want.

“They do not want another travellers site in the village.”

A Bolton Council spokesman said: “We’ve discussed a number of options with the landowner and given advice on what may be suitable for this land, which is in the green belt.

“We are now waiting to see how they wish to proceed.