A SCHOOLGIRL'S powerful piece of artwork has been chosen to highlight Show Racism the Red Card campaign.

Manahil Masood's work was chosen from thousands of entries in the campaign's school competition in which primary and secondary children nationwide submitted art, creative writing and multi-media pieces of work in what is the biggest equality-themed competition for young people in the country.

The 14-year-old from Bolton was named first place winner of the Years Seven to Nine category and as the overall winner.

Her work will now be feature in the 2019 Show Racism the Red Card calendar.

The Bolton School girl said: "I am honoured to have won, although I honestly didn’t expect to.

"I saw a few of the other entries and they blew me away with their originality and how powerful they were.

"I was deeply moved by the messages conveyed by every single piece of art, creative writing and film entries. I also met some of the other shortlisted winners and was inspired by how passionate they were about fighting racism. I can’t possibly describe just how happy I am to have won this competition and look forward to entering again in the future."

She added: "I am very passionate about the issue of racism and wanted to get involved in raising awareness about this ongoing problem. My design was inspired by negativity portrayed in the media, the internet and on the news, which is why I included clippings from newspapers. However, I feel that we, as a community, could very easily change that into positivity to create a more equal society for future generations.

"My design was also heavily influenced by the experiences of my friend. She was not targeted directly but was still hurt by what was said. I wanted to show that racism does not have a particular target but can affect anyone. Any age group or race can be hurt by racist actions, which is why my background is made up of lots of different skin tones and also why it features a young, frightened child."

Manahil described Show Racism the Red Card as a "very important campaign".

She said: "They have changed so many lives, not just targeting racism in football but all over the country.

"They continue to raise awareness by working tirelessly to organise competitions such as this one and other events. I am so proud to have been chosen by Show Racism the Red Card to be the winner of this competition and can’t wait for more opportunities to support this campaign."

Manahil’s also won an iPad, a football and shirt from her favourite team, Manchester United, as well as a tour around Old Trafford and a goodie bag as her first place category prize.

Ged Grebby, Show Racism the Red Card chief executive, said: "Congratulations to Manahil. The judges thought that her artwork was really high quality, creative, moving and had a strong anti-racism message. We look forward to making her entry a focal point of the 2019 calendar and making sure as many people as possible get to see it.”

Tess Felton, art teacher at the school, said: "The art department is extremely proud of Manahil and congratulates her on her phenomenal achievement. Her placing was well deserved. The organisation were bowled over by the power and creative quality of her entry."