A SECONDARY school has been lifted out of  the requires improvement category to become a place where pupils achieve 'things they never thought they could'.

Little Lever High School has turned its fortunes around, according to Ofsted, the Government's education watchdog.

Inspectors visited the schools recently and found that teachers are 'highly ambitious for all pupils', and that pupils are 'well prepared' for the next stage of their education.

The school was placed in the requires improvement category in 2018 , with standards in all, but one area, - personal development of ­pupils - in need of being raised.

Now all area areas ­— the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management ­— have been marked as good.

Inspectors reported: "Leaders are highly ambitious for all pupils. Their vision is that ‘all pupils achieve

things they never thought they could’. Pupils are rising to this challenge."

Pupils were said to feel safe and happy in school, and behave well in class.

"Relationships between pupils and staff are strong. Pupils said that they can approach staff about any worries," found Ofsted.

Enrichment activities for pupils were singled out for praise and parents were said to be supportive of the school.

"A typical comment was, ‘staff go above and beyond to help my child', " said inspectors.

Ofsted inspectors said that the school had worked hard to improve standards and morale is high

The report stated: "Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum. They have adjusted this curriculum

appropriately to address gaps in pupils’ learning as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Leaders are working creatively to increase the proportion of pupils who study the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects, including a modern foreign language."

Teachers’ subject knowledge was descrivbed as being strong.

Inspectors reported: "Leaders provide pupils who struggle to read with extra support. This helps them to catch up with their reading knowledge. Leaders have invested heavily in a whole school reading strategy. This is underpinned by a new library that sits at the heart of the school.".

The school has a dedicated pastoral team to help pupils who need specific help to manage their behaviour

Pupils benefit from a high-quality careers programme.

Ofsted reported: "This helps to broaden pupils’ ambitions and encourages them to aim high. Pupils are well equipped to make informed choices about their next steps."