YOUNG people lived every child's dream when they took part in a trolley dash in Toys R Us.

Year seven Bolton School girls spent their lunchtime dashing around the local toy store to buy presents for disadvantaged children and young people across Greater Manchester.

The girls were taking part in the Cash for Kids and Key 103's Mission Christmas appeal which provides presents to children aged up 18 to make their Christmas morning special.

They raised £2,372.50 through a sponsored silence.

The girls said they had lots of fun deciding what age groups each pair was going to buy for and discussing the kinds of toys they wanted to pick up.

The year sevens were accompanied by members of staff and by four sixth formers from the charities committee, who helped them to keep track of their spending as they rushed around Toys R Us, packing their trolleys with exciting presents.

Some of the money the girls raised was spent on DVDs and on gift sets from Boots, intended for older teenagers. The remainder was given to the Mission Christmas appeal as a cash donation, which will help Cash for Kids to buy big items such as bikes for older children.

Charlotte Martin, a year seven pupil, said: “It feels like an honour to get to help people.

"Even though you don’t know the person, you still feel really good about it.

"It was very hard staying silent for a whole day and challenging to raise the money because you had to ask a lot of people, but it’s for a good cause so I didn’t mind doing it.”