IT IS hard to imagine a school where a child would want to attend seven days a week - but according to a report by Government inspectors that school is Turton High.

The Bromley Cross school received an outstanding report by the education watchdog Ofsted.

All areas were marked as good or outstanding.

Inspectors reported that one parent said: "I am so impressed with the praise and encouragement given to every child.

"My daughter would attend seven days a week if she could."

During their visit, the inspecting team found: "Turton High is a school where students come first. It provides good value for money."

Inspectors found that although pupils entered the school with above average standards, more were entering the school with "social and emotional problems"a problem which the school is keen to address.

Pupils were said to make good progress across the school and their academic achievement was above average by the time they left.

The sixth form department was singled out as outstanding with 90 per cent of pupils going on to higher education, of which a high proportion then go on to universities.

Teaching was marked as good for the main school and outstanding for the sixth form.

Personal development and well-being of pupils was praised for preparing them for life after school.

The headteacher John Porteous was singled out for being inspirational.

The report stated: "The school believes that nothing is ever perfect and improvements can always be made.

"Leadership and management are good and senior leaders are concerned to develop their students both personally and academically."

Inspectors found the school could further improve by extending the use of information communication technology to encourage more independent learning among students.

Mr Porteous said: "I am glad that the hard work of staff and students had been recognised and thanks go to parents and governors for their support and encouragement.

"Turton's leadership team is determined to make the school even better."

He added: "If students or parents share their problems or concerns with us we can usually overcome them.

"I am particularly pleased that the inspectors recorded how hard we work with students to understand their emotions and improve their learning, their behaviour and their social skills.

"The important thing is to try and unlock the potential of every individual because everybody has something to contribute, from the most able and talented to the least confident."

Chairman of governors, Dr Julian Page added: "We are delighted that Ofsted have agreed with our view as governors that this is a top school with many outstanding features.

"We already have plans in place for the next three years to build on this excellent performance."

Natasha Farnworth, aged 16, said: "Turton School has got better since I started. Pupils enjoy attending school because lessons have improved and are made fun. They are no longer boring.

"We feel that we are being listened to by teachers. There is a huge teacher student partnership approach in the school which makes the place much better."

Andrew Seal, aged 12, added: "Turton School is a really good place to be. It has great resources, such as the media centre, and teachers work with pupils and parents.

"This is my first year here and I am enjoying it."