Police have sent out a warning against the use of illegal electric bikes after GMP Traffic officers stopped a Just East delivery rider.

Greater Manchester Police officers stopped the rider on his way to deliver food after, they said, they noticed something strange about his bike.

The bike was fitted with a motor.

A spokesman for GMP Traffic said: "Not so Fast Food Delivery!

"Sorry if your happy meal is late, but your delivery rider decided to take the chain off his push bike turning it into a motorcycle purely powered by electricity, with defective brakes!

"Rider reported. Did somebody say .... Just Seized."

The Bolton News: GMP stop rider.

 GMP have also started to target areas where off-road biking is a concern.

READ MORE: Tonge Moor: Resident escapes after electric bike fire

READ MORE: Police vow to pursue off road bikes as new unit comes to Bolton

READ MORE: Operation Handbrake launched to crackdown on off-road bikes

Earlier this month, police seized a number of off-road bikes in Operation Handbrake.

Sergeant Dan Canavan, from the neighbourhood policing team based in Leigh, said: “The aim of this operation is to work with partners and the communities to reduce the impact of off-road bikes, which are causing antisocial behaviour, through a targeted and tactical approach. Intelligence gathering will be a key area of work to develop new opportunities for future prevention."

In the first day of action, three seizures were made, with one stolen off-road bike recovered.